Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Put Some Sugar on It ;)

That commercial from the makers of high fructose corn syrup makes me apoplectic (where they show someone feeding franken-soda to kids, and a Mom is concerned, but she can't articulate, to the successful confident evil Mom, why high fructose corn syrup is bad) Reduce Three Risks with One Sweetener Switch - Health Tip - RealAge

For the record, I read once that your body responds to fake sugars like that nasty sucrose/sucralose etc in the same way it responds to sugar.

Like Jack Lalaine said, if it wasn't food 100 years ago, it isn't food today.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Have to do What We Know is Right

Have been thinking about fostering, and this confirms it. Living | Electron Boy's amazing power felt worldwide | Seattle Times Newspaper

Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative | Epicenter�| Wired.com

More on the way our privacy is dished to the dogs: Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative | Epicenter�| Wired.com

10 Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account

And read the related "Why you Won't Delete FB account" at the end. Great news is the hack job they are doing to exploit users means there will be an alternative - soon. Let the games begin.

10 Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account

25 best-paying jobs for women - CNN.com

25 years after clawing my way to a business degree... this reminds me I should add up how much I didn't earn one day, just for chromosomes and giggles. Oh and for the privilege of raising 3 smart kind beautiful children for society (sincere) and keeping the house (add sarcasm font) and supporting the family solo a few times, married or not :D

25 best-paying jobs for women - CNN.com

Call Your Mom!

This is so true - for me and I hope for my children :)

Stressed? Calling Mom helps, study says - CNN.com

Nashville Tennessee Flood 2010

My two oldest kids live right outside of Nashville. We had breakfast last year in the Grand Ole Opry, right where some of the pictures showed water several feet deep - and it's miles outside of town. Smalll towns all around were affected too :( Text 'REDCROSS' to 90999 to donate $10 to disaster relief!

YouTube - Nashville Tennessee Flood 2010

Art Redeems Us

very very very wow talent. I have a nephew named Greyson :) (but this isn't him) YouTube - "Paparazzi"

Floods Wreak Havoc On Nashville Music Scene : NPR

Heard this on the radio today - I don't even play an instrument, but totally get how huge the loss of these pieces is... Jimi Hendrix's guitar for example. Did you know he learned to play in Nashville??

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bed Sharing: Is sharing a bed with your infant right or wrong? - WITI

This is both sad and encouraging. At least they look at it seriously: Bed Sharing: Is sharing a bed with your infant right or wrong? - WITI Too bad they didn't discuss the link between SIDS and formula :(

Rescuing girls from sex slavery - CNN.com

Sobering: Rescuing girls from sex slavery - CNN.com

Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request | NBC Chicago

what I do, protect the ignorati : Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request |
NBC Chicago

Georgia Shakespeare - Shake at the Lake

REALLY want to do this! Georgia Shakespeare - Shake at the Lake

Free Personal Finance Software, Budget Software, Online Money Management and Budget Planner | Mint.com

Have plans to check this out :) Free Personal Finance Software, Budget Software, Online Money Management and Budget Planner | Mint.com

Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets - CBS Evening News - CBS News

This isn't new news, but something to think about: Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Survival Guide to Homelessness: A message to homeless teens

Yes, I've been saving up links. This reminds me that kids who don't have good homes really do end up on the street: Survival Guide to Homelessness: A message to homeless teens

Cobb County Foster & Adoptive Parents Association | Article

Here is a great way to give back to the world: Cobb County Foster & Adoptive Parents Association | Article

Robert Reich (Apple Isn't the Problem. Wall Street's Big Banks are the Problem.)

More good scoop on how Wall Street apparently is as untouchable as big Health Insurance companies: Robert Reich (Apple Isn't the Problem. Wall Street's Big Banks are the Problem.)

What Is a Conservative Judge? - Politics - The Atlantic

Good observations: What Is a Conservative Judge? - Politics - The Atlantic Reminds me even agreement on what "conservative" means is hard to reach :)